What’s it like being a part of the HackIllinois team?

Deeya Bodas, Co-Director 2022-23
“The best way to describe the welcoming and tight-knit staff culture is nothing short of family.”- Deeya Bodas, Co-Director 2022-23
Saloni Vaishnav, Experience 2022-23
“...the best memory I have ... is working on, and seeing other teams work on so many different parts of the event and then seeing it all come together in the end.”- Saloni Vaishnav, Experience 2022-23
Helen Tran, Marketing 2022-23
“I was grateful to see each unique team work together for 9 months and being able to see the final product made me so happy.”- Helen Tran, Marketing 2022-23
Ashay Parikh, Systems 2022-23
“Getting to work with motivated, talented members, improving event infrastructure, and organizing fun, team-bonding events helped me grow my technical and leadership skills...”- Ashay Parikh, Systems 2022-23
Miranda Ma, Design 2022-23
“I loved being a part of an amazing design team and working with other creative individuals. Being able to see your work on a large scale event was something incredible to experience.”- Miranda Ma, Design 2022-23

Join the team, we’d love to have you!